fripSide Phase2 10th Anniversary FINAL in YOKOHAMA ARENA (2022) BD蓝光原盘 30.1G

fripSide Phase2 10th Anniversary FINAL in YOKOHAMA ARENA (2022) BD蓝光原盘 30.1G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_

日文名称 : fripSide infinite synthesis 6 [初回限定盤 Blu-ray] (2022)
中文名称 : fripSide infinite synthesis 6 专辑附送蓝光
资源类型 : 演唱会
资源规格 : Blu-ray 蓝光原盘 BDISO
下载方式 : 百度网盘
文件体积 : 30.1G

曲目列表 :

01. endless voyage (MV)
02. endless voyage (MV Making)
04. SPOT

fripSide Phase2: 10th Anniversary FINAL in YOKOHAMA ARENA <2021/2/11 (thu)>

01. final phase
02. LEVEL5 -judgelight-
03. under a starlit sky
04. last fortune
05. memory of snow
07. dual existence
08. black bullet
09. Two souls -toward the truth-
10. fortuna on the Sixteenth night
11. only my railgun
12. We Rise
13. when chance strikes

fripSide Phase2 10th Anniversary FINAL in YOKOHAMA ARENA (2022) BD蓝光原盘 30.1G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_1

fripSide Phase2 10th Anniversary FINAL in YOKOHAMA ARENA (2022) BD蓝光原盘 30.1G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_2