fripSide concert tour 2018-2019 -infinite synthesis 4- (2019) BD蓝光原盘 44.9G
日文名称 : fripSide infinite synthesis 5 [初回限定盤] (2019)
中文名称 : fripSide infinite synthesis 5 专辑附送蓝光
资源类型 : 演唱会
资源规格 : Blu-ray 蓝光原盘 BDISO
下载方式 : 百度网盘
文件体积 : 44.9G
曲目列表 :
01. when chance strikes (MV)
02. when chance strikes (MV making)
03. SPOT
fripSide Concert Tour 2018-2019 -infinite synthesis 4- (Live映像)
01. killing bites
02. under a starlit sky
03. way to answer
04. one dream
05. colorless fate -version 2018-
06. beyond the horizon
07. 1983-schwarzesmarken- (IS3 version)
08. divine criminal
09. snow of silence
10. white relation (IS4 version)
11. breaking dawn
12. late in autumn
13. close to you
14. adverse wind
15. sister′s noise
16. you only live once
17. white forces -IS3 edition-
18. Like a blink, a short night.
19. sky -crossroads version-
20. Edge of the Universe
21. Love with You
22. only my railgun
23. black bullet
24. Two souls -toward the truth-