Sabaton – The Great Show / 20th Anniversary Show (2BD) (2021) BD蓝光原盘 43.6G

Sabaton – The Great Show / 20th Anniversary Show (2BD) (2021) BD蓝光原盘 43.6G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_

英文名称 : Sabaton – The Great Show / 20th Anniversary Show (2BD) (2021)
中文名称 : 战靴乐队演唱会
资源类型 : 演唱会
资源规格 : Blu-ray 蓝光原盘 BDMV
下载方式 : 百度网盘
文件体积 : 43.6G

曲目列表 :

Tracklist :

20th Anniversary Show Live at Wacken :

01. Ghost Division
02. Winged Hussars
03. Resist And Bite
04. Fields Of Verdun
05. Shiroyama
06. The Red Baron
07. The Price Of A Mile
08. Bismarck
09. The Lion From The North
10. Carolus Rex
11. 40:1
12. The Last Stand
13. The Lost Battalion
14. Drum Battle
15. Far From The Fame
16. Panzerkampf
17. Night Witches
18. The Art Of War
19. 82nd All The Way
20. Great War
21. Attero Dominatus
22. Primo Victoria
23. Swedish Pagans Cello – Tina Guo
24. To Hell And Back Cello – Tina Guo

The Great Show :

01. Ghost Division
02. Great War
03. The Attack of the Dead Men
04. Seven Pillars Of Wisdom
05. The Lost Battalion
06. The Red Baron
07. The Last Stand
08 Far From The Fame
09. Night Witches
10. Angels Calling Featuring – Apocalyptica
11. Fields Of Verdun Featuring – Apocalyptica
12. The Price Of A Mile Featuring – Apocalyptica
13. The Lion From The North Featuring – Apocalyptica
14. Carolus Rex Featuring – Apocalyptica
15. Primo Victoria
16. Bismarck
17. Swedish Pagans

Sabaton – The Great Show / 20th Anniversary Show (2BD) (2021) BD蓝光原盘 43.6G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_1

Sabaton – The Great Show / 20th Anniversary Show (2BD) (2021) BD蓝光原盘 43.6G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_2

Sabaton – The Great Show / 20th Anniversary Show (2BD) (2021) BD蓝光原盘 43.6G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_3

Sabaton – The Great Show / 20th Anniversary Show (2BD) (2021) BD蓝光原盘 43.6G_Blu-ray_BDMV_BDISO_4